Thursday, August 14, 2008

Shoe Issues

I've worked with two people recently that were helped by shoe inserts. Sometimes an issue presents in groups, and I start to think maybe I need to be learning something here... in this case, maybe it was to get me moving!

I have a pair of very comfy shoes that I wear most days. This is a major improvement for me since I usually have a hard time finding shoes that support my body and don't induce pain. Well, this pair of shoes does have one issue, but it's not so bad... "I can live with it." (Have you heard or said that one before?)

This pair of shoes needs a metatarsal support. A meta-whatsit support?!? you may ask... that's just a fancy (or should I say, Latin) word for the bones that make up the ball of your foot (and the equivalent pad for the smaller toes). So, a metatarsal support is a simple insert that goes across the ball/pad area just below the toes.

Why do these shoes need such a support? Because the way the shoe is designed has the toes slightly bent upward, putting the bottom of the foot in stretch.

Now, I have embarked on the shoe modification adventure--the issue did get me moving! I've added the metatarsal support, and find that I also need a heel support, because the design of the shoe encourages me to be weighted on my heels. But now, I have shoes that are comfy AND fit my foot!

Did you know that you can have a shoe ergonomics lesson during your next session in which you, too, can learn to modify your shoes to fit your foot! (No more squishing your foot in to fit the shoe!) Find out easy solutions that can provide astonishing results in foot comfort and even performance!

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